29 Oct 2019

AES 2019: Cranborne Audio 500R8 overview!

producer/hardware AES 2019: Cranborne Audio 500R8 overview!

Brent van Inside Audio bezocht AES in New York om een aantal interessante stands te zien, we kwamen Cranborne Audio tegen die zeer interessante high-end studio-hardware maakt, zoals de 500R8 28in/30out audio-interface! AES is een jaarlijke conferentie in New York (Audio Engineer Society), met veel lezingen en een beursvloer - erg interessant om bij te zijn!

"500R8 has everything you need to build your dream analogue/digital hybrid studio. Each element has been carefully considered and designed to give you best of everything combined into a package that is intuitive (and fun) to use."

USB Audio Interface

Connect directly to your PC/mac via USB and utilise 500R8's built-in 28-in/30-out USB audio interface for recording and playback directly to/from your chosen DAW.

Monitor Controller

Switch between two sets of speakers, toggle Mono sum, Mute, Dim, and Talkback facilities whilst monitoring the peak level of your mix with 28-segments of LED detail by using the built-in, high-headroom monitor controller.

Zero Latency Artist Mixer

Monitor live sources in the analogue domain with zero latency by using dedicated mix level and pan controls per-channel combined with our seriously high-powered headphone amps.

Discrete Summing Mixer

Elevate your mix with analogue character and sum 8 USB sources through your 500 series modules and into the discrete analogue summing mixer to be summed and recorded back into your DAW as a stereo track.

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