29 Mar 2019

SuperBooth19 - Trade fair en festival voor electronic musical instruments en electronic music

overig/nieuws SuperBooth19 - Trade fair en festival voor electronic musical instruments en electronic music

Synthesizer fans van over de hele wereld ontmoeten elkaar van 9 - 11 mei om de nieuwste creaties van electronic sound generators te ontdekken en genieten van het gevarieerde programma met livemuziek op de 3 beursdagen.

Net als in voorgaande jaren zullen de organisatoren opnieuw een breed spectrum van de elektronische muziekscene presenteren met jonge, innovatieve acts en gevestigde artiesten uit een breed scala aan muzikale disciplines.

Het concert programma

Het concert programma start op donderdag met een aantal highlights

  • SchneiderTM and Jay Ahern will play a set with experimental guitars as well as modular textures and rhythms.
  • From Utrecht, Holland, Kypski comes with a turntable-meets-modular-set.
  • Alec Empire and Nex transform the AUDITORIUM, which holds 550 spectators, into a gated community in which experiences with modern surveillance mechanisms are transformed into a concert experience.
  • Cineasts and Berlin aficionados find what they are looking for at CINEMA when MarkReeder presents and comments on his highly acclaimed film B-MOVIE about the wild Berlin of the 1980s.
  • AfterwardsBarbara Morgenstern shows her Indie-Electronica in a show with choir and cello specially developed for SUPERBOOTH19.
  • The first day of the festival will end in the wood-paneled K1, with the Berlin artist and composer Robert Lippok (To Rococo Rot, Raster-Noton, Ornament und Verbrechen).

The legendary Friday

  • On Friday the first and only synthesizer collective known to us with handicapped protagonists - with the programmatic title "Ick mach Welle" - opens the concert series on the SEEBÜHNE.
  • In the late afternoon, the legendary founder of Mute-Records and pioneer of electronic music of the 80s, Daniel Miller, pays homage to himself and plays one of his rare modular sets.
  • T.Raumschmiere meets FuCkeTY BuCkeTY can then lie down in the already heated bed - anyone who was there last year knows what this means.
  • Another legend: Sound artist Wolfgang Seidel, founding member of Ton Steine Scherben and Conrad Schnitzler, one half of the duo Eruption, plays with guests at K1.
  • The French artist, musician and filmmaker Marc Caro plays a selection of his works in the cinema. The older ones among us will remember his film "Delicatessen".
  • And another legend at the end of Friday: the British artist Cristian Vogel (among others next to Jamie Lidell, one half of Supercollider) with his youthful counterpart Bjørn Svin.

Sunny Saturday

  • The nice weather in May and the right selection of artists invite you to great concerts on the
  • SEEBÜHNE. Among others there are:
  • Lucid Grain (Martha Plachetka and Anatol Locker), a young ambient duo from Munich.
  • The English musician Matthew Hodson plays powerful modular sounds accompanied by a live drummer.
  • The Berliner from INSTANT (formerly #instantboner), modularheads and friends of SUPERBOOTH from the beginning.
  • Modgeist is a young, virtuosic improvising modular artist from France, who already inspired at last year's SUPERBOOTH18.
  • In the K1, CYRK aka Sammy Goossens and Pascal Hetzel inspire us with Detroit techno infected electro.
  • The German Dada-/Kraut-/NeueWelle pioneers of Der Plan, who released their first album in 25 years in 2017, will play on the big stage in the evening.
  • Moritz R, Frank Fenstermacher and Kurt Dahlke aka Der Pyrolator let us dance the Gummitwist.
  • And the concert of Peter Pichler on the Mixturtrautonium will be another very special experience. This extraordinary instrument is extremely rare to hear live, although its predecessor, the Trautonium, has achieved world fame through its inventor Oskar Sala - not only through the soundtrack to Hitchcock's "The Birds".

Als je nog steeds zin hebt in meer muzikaal entertainment op zaterdagavond - en ook op de andere avonden - kun je tot in de vroege uren van de ochtend genieten van verdere electronic acts tijdens het aftershow-evenement in de C-Base. De reis naar de C-Base kan het beste worden gedaan met de gratis bootshuttle. De shuttle vaart meerdere keren per dag tussen de FEZ Berlijn en Mitte en zorgt voor een ontspannen reis naar SuperBooth19 en natuurlijk terug naar het centrum van de stad.


Tickets voor SuperBooth19 worden verkocht tot 8 Mei op www.superbooth.com

SUPERBOOTH19 – official trailer

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